Sunday, December 14, 2008

last 2 races cancelled

Hi everybody,
The last to races on Thursday and Friday were canceled due to massive snow falls. It is a bit of a bummer as i have been skiing pretty well in both disciplines. But on the plus side we had a great day powder skiing on Friday and i landed a couple of front flips which i haven't attempted for a couple of years. We have 6 races in a row starting on Tuesday which i'm not too sure will happen to be honest because of the big dumps of snow. And the weather always needs to be good to run speed events due to the 'danger factor'
Anyway i will keep you posted on what is happening over the next week
speak soon



Hey Harry
Well Done Mate for your 10th place in Bormio! Thats great news. We enjoyed the Bormio slopes when we went to the English. Good luck with the next 6 races then. Hope the weather is ok. Getting ready for our races now.


Anonymous said...

get in touch Harry